The Crafting Monitor is a block that shows all the current running crafting tasks and how long they have been running.

Each crafting task can be cancelled manually. It is also possible to cancel all crafting tasks at once.

Per task, it shows a grid of cells, each containing information about how an item or fluid is used in the crafting task. This is what the terminology in those cells mean:

  • Stored: the item or fluid is stored in the internal inventory of the crafting task, and will be used later on

  • Missing: the crafting task cannot continue without this item or fluid as it’s missing

  • Processing: the item or fluid displayed is currently inserted into an external machine and is processing

  • Scheduled: the item or fluid is scheduled to be made by inserting it’s ingredients in an external machine later

  • Crafting: this item is being crafted (regular crafting, not processing)


The size of any Crafting Monitor can be configured as well:

  • Stretched (default)

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

When choosing the stretched size, the Crafting Monitor will take up all the vertical screen space. This can be limited through the maxRowsStretch config option.


You can recolor the Crafting Monitor in 2 ways:

  • Using a dye on the Crafting Monitor

  • Combining the block with a dye as a crafting recipe