Allowed tags
The allowed tags system in Refined Storage allows the player to decide which items or fluids can be used as alternatives when the specified item or fluid isn’t found in the storage network.
These tags are retrieved from Minecraft’s tag system. You can specify the allowed tags in the Pattern Grid.
To define valid alternatives for an item or fluid, use CTRL + click on the input slot and specify the allowed tags that can be used during autocrafting. Items or fluids from that tag are then marked as valid alternatives if the original item or fluid can’t be found in the storage network.
You can also define valid alternatives by clicking on the item or fluid and then clicking on "Alternatives".
Ore dictionary (Refined Storage v1.6.x or lower only)
To create ore dictionary sensitive patterns, toggle the "oredict" checkbox.
Modifying a pattern
You can re-insert a Pattern in the output slot to modify and (possibly) override it.
Recipe transferring
The Pattern Grid integrates with JEI (Just Enough Items) so the player can use recipe transferring.
You don’t necessarily need the actual items in your storage network to create a Pattern for it.
Refined Storage will notify you when you have a Pattern for an item configured when transferring a recipe.
Manual input/output configuration
Click an item or fluid in the slots to configure the Pattern.
Click on the item or fluid to change the quantity.
Use CTRL + click to modify the allowed tags for the input slot (Minecraft 1.14.4 and above).
Use shift to clear the slot.
You can recolor the Pattern Grid in 2 ways:
Using a dye on the Pattern Grid
Combining the block with a dye as a crafting recipe