Method | Description |
| |
Whether the node is connected. |
Gets the energy usage of this network. | |
| Gets the crafting tasks of this network. |
| Get one pattern of this network. |
| Get one fluid pattern of this network. |
| Gets the patterns of this network. |
| Gets the fluid patterns of this network. |
| Whether a crafting pattern exists for this item. |
| Whether a crafting pattern exists for this fluid. |
| Schedules a crafting task. |
| Schedules a fluid crafting task. |
| Cancels a task and returns the amount of tasks cancelled. |
| Cancels a fluid task and returns the amount of tasks cancelled. |
| Extracts a fluid from the network. |
| Gets a fluid from the network. |
| Gets a list of all fluids in this network. |
| Extracts an item from the network. |
| Gets an item from the network. |
| Gets a list of all items in this network. |
| Gets a list of all connected storage disks and blocks in this network. |