With the Wireless Fluid Grid the player can access their fluids from anywhere.
To activate the Wireless Fluid Grid, the player has to right click the Wireless Fluid Grid on a Controller. If you’re playing on Refined Storage v1.7.x or higher you can bind the Wireless Fluid Grid by right clicking on any connected network device.
To use the Wireless Fluid Grid the item needs Forge Energy. You’ll have to charge it in a block that charges items from another mod.
After doing all these steps, the Wireless Fluid Grid is still missing a signal from the system. Add at least 1 Wireless Transmitter to the network to get a basic range of 16 blocks.
If the Wireless Fluid Grid is ready for use, it will light up blue.
Sometimes, the Wireless Fluid Grid doesn’t open or stays gray. To enable it make sure that:
The Wireless Fluid Grid is bound to a Controller
There is at least 1 Wireless Transmitter connected to the network
That you are in range of the Wireless Transmitter
The Controller block is still in the world on the place where you bound it to
Energy behavior
The Wireless Fluid Grid draws energy on following actions:
Action | Amount of Forge Energy used |
Opening the Wireless Fluid Grid | 30 FE |
Pulling a fluid from storage | 3 FE |
Pushing a fluid to storage | 3 FE |