For Minecraft 1.18.2 or later

Starting from Minecraft 1.18, you can include the Refined Storage API in your development environment from 2 sources:

GitHub packages

Add the following repository to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            username = "anything"
            password = "\u0067hp_oGjcDFCn8jeTzIj4Ke9pLoEVtpnZMP4VQgaX"

The credentials are necessary because as of December 2021, GitHub packages still requires authentication for public packages. The password used is a personal access token that has read access to the Refined Mods repositories. It can be reused in other projects.


You can find a list of versions on GitHub packages.

CreeperHost Maven

Add the following repository to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")

You can find a list of versions on the Maven index.

Warning: Due to a bug in the Maven index on CreeperHost, new versions aren’t included in the index. However, you can use them in your Gradle dependency.

For example, version 1.10.2 isn’t included in the Maven index, but you can use 1.10.2 in your Gradle dependency when using CreeperHost Maven.

For older Minecraft versions

Some Refined Storage API versions for older Minecraft versions are available on the CreeperHost Maven.

However, not all of them are available. If you need a specific version, build Refined Storage yourself and include the API manually.

Including the API

implementation fg.deobf("com.refinedmods:refinedstorage:VERSION_HERE") {
    transitive false

Using the API

Use the @RSAPIInject annotation to get access to the API facade.

public class MyMod {
    public static IRSAPI RSAPI;


Updated Javadoc is available after every release here.