This optional integration adds support for Mekanism chemicals in various Refined Storage components, allowing storage, transfer, viewing, and autocrafting with chemicals.
Chemical storage
Chemical storage blocks and disks allow you to store chemicals in the storage network. Each tier has a specific capacity:
Tier | Disk | Block |
64B |
256B |
1024B |
8192B |
Creative |
64B stores 64 buckets of any chemical
256B stores 256 buckets
1024B stores 1,024 buckets
8192B stores 8,192 buckets
Creative stores an infinite amount of buckets
They support uncrafting and upgrading like any other storage disk.
The Importer supports extracting chemicals from external chemical tanks into the storage network.
The Exporter can insert chemicals from the storage network into external chemical-compatible machines or tanks.
External Storage
The External Storage can connect to Mekanism chemical tanks, allowing them to act as external storage for chemicals.
Storage Monitor
The Storage Monitor can display the amount of a configured chemical in the storage network.
You can autocraft chemicals by using processing patterns that define chemical inputs and outputs. The Autocrafter will insert chemicals into compatible machines, and expect the output chemicals to be returned to complete the task.