In Getting started with autocrafting, you learned how to automate regular crafting recipes.

But what if you want to automate tasks that don’t use a crafting grid—like smelting iron ore into ingots? For this, you use processing patterns.

Creating processing patterns

Use the Pattern Grid in processing mode to create a processing pattern. The interface allows defining up to 9 inputs and 9 expected outputs:

  • Inputs – Resources pulled from the storage network and inserted into the machine.

  • Outputs – Resources expected back in the storage network after processing.


To automate the conversion of Iron OreIron Ingot:

  • Set 1 Iron Ore as the input.

  • Set 1 Iron Ingot as the output.


For each input, you can define allowed alternatives using Minecraft’s tag system.

Using the pattern

  1. Place a Autocrafter facing the machine correctly (e.g., furnace) so it can insert inputs into the correct slot.

  2. Insert the processing pattern into the autocrafter.

  3. When requested, the autocrafter will insert the inputs into the machine.

You must ensure the output is returned to the storage network—this is how the storage network knows that the task can be completed.

Use a device like:

Chaining autocrafters

You can chain multiple autocrafters to a single machine to handle more patterns for a single machine.