The Autocrafter Manager provides an overview of all patterns stored in connected autocrafters.


Patterns are grouped based on the name of the autocrafter they belong to.

Autocrafters can be hidden from the Autocrafter Manager if desired.

View type

You can filter visible Autocrafters by:

  • Visible (default) – Only shows autocrafters visible to the Autocrafter Manager.

  • All – Shows all autocrafters.

  • Not full – Only shows autocrafters with available space.

Search mode

The pattern search can be filtered by:

Search box autoselected

The Autocrafter Manager can be configured to automatically select the search bar when opening it.

The autoselected mode applies to all Autocrafter Managers and is stored on the client for each player.


The size of any Autocrafter Manager can be changed:

Type Description


The Autocrafter Manager will take up all the vertical screen space.


3 rows


5 rows


8 rows

Extra large

12 rows

When choosing the stretched size, the Autocrafter Manager will take up all the vertical screen space. This can be limited through the maxRowsStretch config option.

The size applies to all Autocrafter Managers and is stored on the client for each player.

Redstone mode

The Autocrafter Manager can be set to operate only when a specific redstone state is met.

  • Ignore – Always active, regardless of redstone.

  • High – Only works when receiving a redstone signal.

  • Low – Only works when no redstone signal is present.

Connection with other storage network devices

The Autocrafter Manager connects to all adjacent blocks except the one in the direction it is facing.

Colored Autocrafter Managers connect to any other color.


You can recolor the Autocrafter Manager in 2 ways:

  • While crouching, using a dye on the Autocrafter Manager

  • Combining the block with a dye as a crafting recipe