There are two ways to extend a storage network over long distances:

The challenge

Accessing a storage network across multiple locations can be difficult, especially when they are far apart.

While cables like Cable can be used, laying thousands of blocks of cable is impractical for distant areas.

The solution

A Network Transmitter and Network Receiver allow wireless network extensions.

  1. Place a Network Transmitter at the main network.

  2. Craft a Network Card.

  3. Place a Network Receiver at the remote location.

  4. Right-click the Network Receiver with the Network Card to store its location.

  5. Insert the Network Card into the Network Transmitter.

  6. Ensure that both the Network Transmitter at the main network and the Network Receiver at the remote location are chunkloaded before linking and remain chunkloaded for the connection to stay active.

Once linked, machines can be connected to the Network Receiver like any other network device.